Circle Blessing for the Ancestors

Please join hearts for a Circle Blessing Upon the Ancestors,
turning together, as you are able, to the directions called:

First, we turn to the NORTH: blessing the elders, who carved the paths we now walk; whose curiosity and vision, whose creativity and commitments,
gave flesh to our bodies, nourished our minds and spirits

We turn to the EAST: blessing the men, who walked and danced this earth, as home-builders and peace-makers; as dreamers, explorers, healers, teachers and revolutionary lovers

We turn to the SOUTH: blessing the infants and children, sent to open our hearts; to teach us to feed one another, and delight in all living things!

We turn to the WEST: blessing the women, who walked and danced this earth, as home-builders and peace-makers; as dreamers, explorers, healers, teachers and revolutionary lovers

We turn to one another, blessing the ancestors who live on within us and through us, as we step out into this day and week ahead, renewed in faith and in commitment to the circle of life.

May the circle be unbroken.

– Reverend Stefanie Etzbach-Dale, 2014

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